Falcon Lair by Wallace Neff | Demolished

Falcon Lair by architect Wallace Neff, built in 1925 | 1436 Bella Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 | Demolished between 2003 – 2006

Falcon Lair by architect Wallace Neff was built in 1925.
Located high in the hills above Benedict Canyon in Beverly Hills. The home was built for actor Rudolph Valentino and he named the home after his unproduced film called The Hooded Falcon. After Rudolph’s sudden passing in 1926, the home switched owners a couple times before Doris Duke acquired the home.
It’s rumored while Doris lived there with her jazz musician companion, the Falcon Lair became a venue for jazz concerts.
Doris owned the home until she passed away.
The home was sold by the Duke estate in 1998 and
was demolished between 2003- 2006.

If you would like to know more, call 310.622.0312 or email Brian Courville. Whether Mid Century ArchitecturalSpanishLuxury, or Classic Los Angeles design, MODERN LIVING LA is here to guide you home. Follow us on Instagram @modernlivingla

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