Noemi migrated to Seattle, Washington at the age of 13 years old from Guadalajara, Mexico. She struggled with the culture shock and making friends but challenged her to be open to change and be patient in the unknown. She also mastered the English Language. Noemi had curiosity in other languages such as Japanese, Italian and Portuguese. Noemi was always very inquisitive in acting and being creative with photography.
In 2003, she decided to make the move and pursue her passion to Los Angeles. She bumped into an opportunity to work at a telecommunications company called Co-Location.com. Noemi not only learned about a field she never thought she could be interested in, but also grew to become the VP of Finance and have the opportunity to learn what quality of life is all about.
While working with this company, she was exposed to the real estate industry by managing the owner’s several properties and simultaneously in 2011, Noemi joined the top producing team Modern Living LA at Compass Sunset. Her value of being bilingual, her empathy, having attention to detail, friendliness and professionalism was a great asset and addition to the group.
Noemi strives to be the “home matchmaker” to their sellers and buyers, but she also takes time to serve her community to support the homelessness crisis. She volunteers with United Way “Everyone In” campaign, Habitat for Humanity, Downtown Women’s Center and Project Angel Food, just to mention a few.
She was named Woman of the Year by Congressman Adam Schiff in 2017. Currently, she is the Chair of the City of West Hollywood Public Facilities Commission and she will take the challenge of running for a seat at the City Council level on the 2020 election,
Noemi lives in West Hollywood with her rescue 13-year-old Pitbull Sadie.